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GM app By the noble 1erEspada =3

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GM app By the noble 1erEspada =3 Empty GM app By the noble 1erEspada =3

Post  Espada Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:16 pm

Name: Keith J. Tinsley

IGN: 1erEspada


Location/Timezone:Puerto Rico EST (Eastern Standard Time)

1. Why do you think we should choose you as a Game Master? The truth is I live a life with no troubles, I'm a very rational person love games such as this one, I have been a Gm in other Servers back when v55 was new, Love solving problems It doesn't matter if they're Difficult or easy I always give it a try. I have a all the time in my hands and I'm sure I would bring a new character to the team of GM's. Sometimes I feel like have some time in my hands and I rather spend it helping people but the lac of rank gives me a limit of how much I can really help so the Promotion would help in that sense.

2. Do you have any experience in being a Game Master? Yes like I said before I love maple but I dislike nexons' greed so I came out looking for a better community and ever since PS started appearing I stuck to them, I had a little problem in a very known PS where the owner closed down the server and after All the Gms' including me had made donations he left with the money and closed the server But that's life right. Also I've had the privilege to have Been GM in about 3 server of different versions and helped code in one of the v55 c++ server.

3. How often do you play AlcandonMS? and how long are you on for? Well I made my account about 4 days ago and I have played 3 out of those 4 for several hours, I have no time limit, I can play extensive hours without having to leave my post. I'm looking toward the reality of playing whether I'm chosen or not for the GM app and like I said I'm new but I have basically no time limit to how much I can work.

4. If someone was hacking or was arguing over something, how would you solve it? Well First I don't Understand the reason why they would be hacking In a server if the rates are as good as these but The truth is I am not lenient on hackers, if I see someone hacking I take photos with my fraps' recorder, and maybe a video if needed and I ban the hacker, when the owner in this case Alex comes online I tell him what happened and I also tell him to look in the forum for the evidence. For arguing It's almost too easy because I have studied countless books on how to deal with situations I am not a hot head so meaningless word don't get to me and I always finish getting a resolve no one will be unhappy and if the person were to disrespect another in my presence id warn them once jail them the second time and ban them for inappropriate behavior the third. Because to me it's not about vengeance nor payback is more of mutual respect that everyone deserves.

A little bit about yourself: Well born In PR a Caribbean island near Cuba and SD, My father and mother are both American but my mother has family In PR so when she came to visit she had to have me In this beautiful place. I'm in high school right now already send my application to the best engineering school in the area to be a Computer Engineer =3 love Cpus'. Love Japanese animes and mangas which then leads me to love martial arts and the style of living with respect and love as well as controlling emotions so they cant blind the reality of conflicts. I practice karate and I'm starting to learn a little bit more about the way the Samurais lived and how to apply it every day .Always have had great grades in school even tho I don't study, which I have to change for College. My life is full of paths that I want to complete and this one is one that just opened. Hope you liked My app and TY to anyone who comes to see it.


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GM app By the noble 1erEspada =3 Empty Re: GM app By the noble 1erEspada =3

Post  Kane Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:51 am

Too bad ur banned haha! shouldn't keep on disconnecting us -.-

Posts : 33
Join date : 2009-12-18
Age : 30

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